Peter Harris

Peter Harris, Secretary of GEMSA NT, is a geologist with 30 years of exploration, resource definition and mining experience in Australia, 20 of which is in the NT. Peter commenced his career at Newcrest, working at Cadia Hill, Ridgeway, Telfer, New Celebration and Mt Marion in resource, exploration and grade control roles. As Exploration manager for Hill 50 Gold at New Celebration, he added a number of deposits to the Resource inventory. Peter has managed exploration and discovery at GBS Gold and Vista Gold in the NT. At GBS he added 1Moz to the Cosmo resource and led the team to discover the Tally Ho mine. At Vista gold as Exploration manager, the Mt Todd Resource grew from 6Moz to just under 10MOz. Peter now runs a PCZ RESOURCES a geological consultancy with a number of NT clients such as Rosewood Copper and Vista Gold.