Mission & Objectives

GEMSA NT focuses on the promotion of opportunities and advocacy for resolution of issues that are of vital importance for the viability and sustainability of the mineral exploration and mining sector in the Northern Territory.


  • Mineral Explorers
  • Geoscientists
  • Field Personnel
  • Geophysicists
  • Geophysical Services
  • Drillers
  • Field Supplies
  • Surveyors


GEMSA NT was formed when the sudden cessation of a major NT exploration program in the Northern Territory in early 2020 resulted in loss of employment for around a dozen young professionals and serious loss of income for other businesses. The founders of GEMSA NT concluded there was a need for a locally based association that would promote an active and steady mineral exploration sector and enable Northern Territory-based exploration and mining support businesses and individual professionals to stabilise a local industry sector. The association should provide them with a means for collaboration for job resourcing and enable a collective voice to respond to issues with potential to impact the viability of businesses and the industry locally. It should also make it easier for mineral explorers to find and engage with Northern Territory businesses to actually get their planned exploration done.


GEMSA NT maintains a close watch on the ABS exploration expenditure statistics. Our research reveals that the Northern Territory (together with South Australia) has the lowest mineral exploration expenditure per square kilometre in comparison with the other jurisdictions of Australia, which  GEMSA NT refers to as Exploration Intensity. A longer-term goal of GEMSA NT is to identify the reasons for these low figures and to work with other stakeholders to increase the intensity of exploration expenditure across the Northern Territory.


The following graph illustrates the situation and highlights those jurisdictions that are improving their exploration performance in real terms.

Mission Statement

GEMSA NT will be an effective and supportive group representing the Geological, Exploration and Mining Services and Suppliers sectors of the Northern Territory. The Association will help to maintain viable Northern Territory - based mineral exploration, mining and support industries through increased local employment and business opportunities, support for streamlined land access and permitting procedures, networking, community education and regional wealth creation.

GEMSA NT will strive to assist the Northern Territory to become a first-choice destination for exploration and mining companies that are prepared to work hand in hand with our communities, our environment and our local businesses.

We are

Supporting Mineral Explorers in Australia’s Northern Territory


GEMSA NT aims to promote business opportunities and provide advocacy on issues of vital importance to the growth and security of a strong mineral exploration and mining sector in the Northern Territory.

To Promote -
  • Employment opportunities for Northern Territory based members.
  • The use of local services and suppliers on exploration and mining projects.
  • Maximising “local content” in Northern Territory projects.
  • Combining best practice with local knowledge for the optimum outcomes in local settings.
  • Recognition of the fundamentally important role that mineral exploration and mining has played and should continue to play in the renaissance of the economic viability of the Northern Territory.
  • The relationship between increased grassroots mineral exploration and generation of new development projects.
  • The contribution of our sector to regional economies and communities.
  • Networking opportunities between members.
  • Cooperation with other industry and professional bodies.

(Drilling at Ranger, NT, 1973)


  • UAV Services
  • Assay Laboratories
  • Earthmovers
  • Air Charter
  • Cultural Trainers
  • Geological
  • Consumables
  • Ecologists
To Provide Advocacy for -
  • Improving public perceptions and support for a healthy mineral exploration and mining sector in the Northern Territory.
  • The continuing dependence of the Northern Territory on a strong and productive mining sector to the Northern Territory economy, particularly in times of recession.
  • Allocating work locally, which builds local capabilities and encourages their expansion.
  • Encouraging development of local capabilities where they do not exist.
  • Recognition by governments and investors that using locally based services and businesses is generally preferable and more cost effective than bringing in non-residents for both short and long-term tasks.
  • Improving the efforts of both private enterprise and governments to boost the competitiveness of the Northern Territory as a place to explore and mine.
  • Streamlined land access procedures for exploration and mining throughout the Northern Territory.
  • Fostering dialogue with other land users to seek understanding of each other’s rights and obligations, and to work together cooperatively for the good of all society.
  • Improvement in locally delivered education training and professional development in the sector.
  • Encouraging establishment of local offices manned by Northern Territory residents by those companies active in supplying services and supplies to the local exploration and mining sector, and mineral explorers.

Member Value

GEMSA NT plans to achieve their objectives through the development of effective member services and through interactions with relevant bodies on matters of interest to the association.


  • Development of a searchable public register of member services and suppliers to enable explorers to find and support local businesses.
  • Development of a members only jobs board to provide a place for collaboration of members, for call outs for resources or pending jobs.
  • Preparation of submissions on issues affecting business or the industry.
  • Building collaborative relationships with other organisations with similar goals.
  • Regular member newsletters
  • Social and networking events


  • Tenement Managers
  • Cartographers
  • Data Managers
  • Lawyers
  • IT Consultants
  • Accountants