Member Services, Suppliers and Explorers

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BARBER HIRE - Earthmoving, Excavation, Plant & Equipment Hire
barber hire - earthmoving, excavation, plant & equipment hire
  • Mineral Exploration Services
BARBER HIRE - Earthmoving, Excavation, Plant & Equipment Hire

Barber Hire provides a diverse range of services to clients in exploration, mining, government, infrastructure and other sectors. Based in Tennant Creek, NT, we operate throughout the Barkly region, servicing projects in some of the Territory's most remote locations.

  • Earthmoving
  • Haulage
  • Mobile Camp Hire
  • Plant & Equipment Hire
  • Rehabilitation
  • Transport
  • Water Carting

Summary of Services:

Plant and Equipment Hire - Graders, loaders, water trucks, mobile camps, tippers, prime mover, 4WD support vehicles for both long and short term assignments. All equipment is available for hire with operators supplied.
Earth Moving and Excavation - Supply of experienced machine operators and earth moving equipment for all types of earth works, including the removal of a variety of materials.
Water Carting Services - Water based dust control and dirt suppression services on earthworks and construction sites. Our 22,000 litre and 10,000 litre water trucks can deliver commercial quantities of water to remote areas that do not have access to a water source.
Land Clearing and Revegetation - Land clearing and revegetation services including land/site clearing, fire break clearing, vegetation removal and vegetation control. For exploration industry clients we provide track and pad cutting services, as well as ripping and soil replacement to encourage revegetation.
Road Grading and Maintenance - Grader hire service for the grading of access tracks, roads and fire trails, including minor road repairs.
Haulage and Transport - Drop deck trailers, road trains and tippers rated to 120 ton. We can help you with your hauling needs.


Glen Barber

21 Maloney Street, Tennant Creek NT 0860


NT Based

Titeline Drilling Pty Ltd
titeline drilling pty ltd
  • Mineral Exploration Services
Titeline Drilling Pty Ltd

Drilling Contractor

  • Drilling

Summary of Services:

Titeline Drilling and Titeline Drilling Underground specialise in surface and undergound diamond drilling. Our customer base is diverse and includes major mining companies such as BHP and Rio and small explorers at grassroots level. We have a long and proud history of providing services in the NT, and operate Australia wide from our base in Ballarat Victoria. Safety is our first and permanent priority, and our people are skilled and committed. We have a range of modern UG, tracked and truck mounted diamond drills with rod handling capabilities and all necessary support equipment including remote camps.

David D'Astoli

3 Production Drive Alfredton Victoria 3350


Pinata Resources Pty Ltd
pinata resources pty ltd
  • Mineral Exploration Services
Pinata Resources Pty Ltd

Geological Services and Exploration Project Management

  • Data Management
  • Exploration
  • Field Personnel
  • Geological
  • Geophysical
  • Health and Safety
  • Mapping
  • Vehicle Hire

Summary of Services:

Provision of geological services to assist with your exploration or mining project available now!
Pinata Resources was launched to provide geological services to the exploration and mining industry - something that our experienced staff have enjoyed doing for most of their careers.
Our team has experience in the whole process of exploration management and
implementation. As exploration professionals we have identified, explored, evaluated, developed and operated mineral and energy projects in the Asia Pacific and South America regions.
Delivering the complete exploration program, Pinata Resources are involved from exploration design through permitting and land access, logistics management, safety and risk management exploration execution and closure, compliance reporting, market disclosures and technical reporting for the exploration and resource development phases of the project.

Mark Hayward

PO Box 1325, North Lakes, Queensland, 4509


Practical Safety Australia
practical safety australia
  • Mineral Exploration Supplier
Practical Safety Australia

Workwear, Mining and Safety Gear

  • Field Consumables
  • Field Equipment
  • Geological
  • PPE

Summary of Services:

An NT owned business operating to provide quality service and products to private enterprise, explorers and mine sites, Government departments and to the general industry in the area of: Personal Safety Equipment; Corporate and Industrial Clothing; Environmental Protection Systems; and General Industrial Consumables.
Our product range includes: PPE; Clothing; Embroidery and Digital Transfer; Footwear; Heat Stress Products and Skin Care; Spill Control; Safety Signs; Geological Supplies; Industrial Consumables; Cleaning Products.

Lance Martin

1/66 Coonawarra Road, Winnellie NT 0820


NT Based

Yandamah Indigenous Corporation
yandamah indigenous corporation
  • Mineral Exploration Services
Yandamah Indigenous Corporation

Mining, Oil and Gas Consultation services

  • Cultural Trainers

Summary of Services:

Land Access consultation, negotiation and Agreements
• Compensation Agreements
• Code of Conduct Agreements
• Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation
• Social Performance and Community Benefit
• Procurement and Contract Management
Project Management - Civil and Construction

Jerry Amato

111 Giles St


NT Based

Indigenous Business

Portable Scientific Pty Ltd (SciAps)
portable scientific pty ltd (sciaps)
  • Mineral Exploration Supplier
Portable Scientific Pty Ltd (SciAps)

Supplier of handheld XRF and LIBS

  • Assay Laboratories
  • Drilling
  • Environmental
  • Exploration
  • Geological
  • Geophysical
  • Field Equipment
  • Geological Equipment

Summary of Services:

We are the exclusive agency for SciAps in Australia, facilitating sales, training and support for handheld XRF and LIBS analysers

Simon Bailey

10/16 Dellamarta Road WANGARA WA 6065


cozens johansen lawyers
  • Mineral Exploration Services

Northern Territory Law Firm

  • Legal

Summary of Services:

Cozens Johansen Lawyers is a boutique law firm that operates throughout the Northern Territory and specialises in Territory law.
We specialise in Commercial Law, Resources and Energy Law and Employment Law. We also assist businesses seeking training or in-house advisors.

Nick Johansen

Level 1, Centrepoint Building, 40-50 Smith Street, Darwin NT 0800


NT Based

Australian Mining and Exploration Title Services
australian mining and exploration title services
  • Mineral Exploration Services
  • Mineral Exploration Supplier
Australian Mining and Exploration Title Services

AMETS is an Australia-wide business that specialises in tenement management services for mining and exploration companies. Originating in Darwin and organically expanding across each state of Australia, AMETS provides a wide range of tenement management services to ensure compliance of your assets. The majority of staff come directly from industry which allows us to fully appreciate the challenges companies face with keeping up with the ever changing regulatory requirements. The management of exploration and mining tenure is a specialised field and is fast becoming a preferred option with companies to pass this work onto a qualified Tenement Manager. In light of the expertise, breadth and depth of experience, AMETS provides the mining and exploration industry with an efficient and professional service. Good tenement management is directly related to understanding statutory legislation and policy requirements on how to keep a tenement compliant, as well as a working knowledge of various related legislation pertaining to Australian States and Territories. More and more companies are finding that using a consultant rather than attempting to deal with tenement requirements internally improves their efficiency and cost effectiveness. AMETS can guide you through the reporting requirements and assist you with the compilation and lodgement of all of your reporting and statutory obligations.

  • Tenement Management

Summary of Services:

- Tenement Management- Land Access- Technical Reporting- Mapping and Geoservices- Due Diligence- Drilling Approvals- Professional Data Management

Leanne Brock

PO Box 4123, Palmerston NT 0830


NT Based

  • Mineral Exploration Services

Environmental Consultants

  • Environmental

Summary of Services:

Full range of Environmental Services. EcOz is a 100% NT-owned and operated business, with offices in Darwin and Alice Springs, and a staff member in Katherine. We are a well-established company that has been operating in the NT for over 33 years. We have a demonstrated track-record of servicing projects using long-term local staff who know the environment, the people, and how to get a job done efficiently and safely here in the Territory.

Our team of environmental consultants is the largest based in the Territory. EcOz employs thirty qualified staff with expertise across a range of disciplines and with experience working in the environments of northern and central Australia. Our teams cover the key service areas of Environmental Approvals & Management, Ecology, Water and Land & Soils.

EcOz operates under an ISO9001 Certified Quality Management System, AS/NZS ISO 45001 Certified OH&S Management system and ISO14001 Certified Environmental Management System. Because we are local, all of our staff are experienced working in NT conditions. We maintain our own vehicle and equipment fleet, and satellite phone communications, and have strict safety and communication protocols. We place a very high priority on ensuring the safety of our team and the community.

EcOz maintains relationships with regulators, decision-makers, politicians, industry associations, Indigenous bodies, service providers, and a range of other stakeholders. Our clients benefit greatly from these established networks, which enables us to add value to projects that extends far beyond the environmental requirements.

EcOz offers maximum local industry participation and employment compared to our competitors; we aim to ensure that our client's 2019's expenditure has the maximum value to the Territory, of particular importance for government clients that value local procurement highly.

Ray Hall

70 Cavenagh St Darwin City


NT Based

pcz resources
  • Mineral Exploration Services

Exploration and Geological modelling

  • Exploration
  • Field Personnel
  • Geological
  • Health and Safety
  • Mapping
  • Tenement Management

Summary of Services:

A geological consultancy specializing in 3D modelling and brown-fields target generation. With 30 years experience in production, exploration and resource definition PCZ provides geological services targeted at defining economic resources.

Peter Harris

250 Colton Road Acacia hills


NT Based

Twin Hills Engineering
twin hills engineering
  • Mineral Exploration Services
Twin Hills Engineering

Twin Hills Engineering operates a fleet of drill rigs for applications such as bore creation, exploration, or geotechnical operations along with a full complement of qualified operators and staff. Call us to speak with a member from our friendly team today!

  • Drilling

Summary of Services:

Twin Hills Engineering is a privately owned innovative drilling company with a fleet of both Exploration and Geotech drill rigs.
Our exploration rigs include a fleet of modern LF160 hands free drill rigs. With both track and truck mounted options, these rigs are capable of drilling 1200mtrs HQ.
We also have smaller rigs suitable for RC and Diamond, plus our Heli-rig.
Our Geotech fleet includes track and truck mount machines with auger, washbore, coring and SPT capabilities. Our rigs can come fitted with HQ Wireline packer test gear if required. We offer a full turn-key package with skid steers, backhoes, water carts, vac trucks, and pitless mud systems.

Stephen Burt

91836 Bruce Highway, Alligator Creek QLD 4740


Vibe Exploration Pty Ltd
vibe exploration pty ltd
  • Mineral Exploration Services
Vibe Exploration Pty Ltd

Geological consulting company based in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

  • Exploration
  • Geological

Summary of Services:

Vibe Exploration specialises in gold and lithium (spodumene pegmatite) mineralising systems of the Top End NT. Until further notice, we are not taking any new contracts.

Glen McIlwain

PO Box 36032 Winnellie NT 0820


NT Based

AJ Prospecting & Exploration
aj prospecting & exploration
  • Mineral Exploration Services
AJ Prospecting & Exploration

Mineral Exploration Services

  • Exploration
  • Field Personnel
  • Rehabilitation

Summary of Services:

At AJ Prospecting & Exploration we endeavor to provide a very high standard of field exploration to our clients. This can range from conducting soil and rock chip sampling programs, general field duties, assisting on drilling operations, both diamond core and RC, cutting and processing core, etc. Our services comes with a fully remote, vehicle setup and we can conduct operations in very remote areas, un-supported, for a number of weeks.

Arnie Kroezen

Shed 8, 6 Tulagi Rd, Yarrawonga, NT 0830


NT Based

johannsen drilling
  • Mineral Exploration Services
  • Mineral Explorer
Johannsen Drilling

Exploration Drilling

  • Exploration

Summary of Services:

Mineral exploration drilling.

Taal Johannsen

Po Box 894, Palmerston NT


NT Based

MJ Drilling Pty Ltd
mj drilling pty ltd
  • Mineral Exploration Services
MJ Drilling Pty Ltd

Exploration Drilling and Water Bores

  • Drilling
  • Exploration

Summary of Services:

Our drilling services include, but are not limited to, RC, Diamond, Mud Rotary, Conventional Hammer, Water bores and Directional drilling.

Emma Sangster

1 McLeod Road, Jamestown, South Australia, 5491


DDH1 Drilling
ddh1 drilling
  • Mineral Exploration Services
DDH1 Drilling

Provision of Surface and Underground Drilling Services through DDH1 Drilling, Strike Drilling, Ranger Drilling & Swick Mining Sevices

  • Drilling
  • Exploration

Summary of Services:

DDH1 Drilling offers the following services: Directional drilling targeting multiple intersections or specific working; Large diameter mine service holes; Computerised 3D hole planning; RC / Mud rotary (pre-collars); NQ2 diamond depth capacity 3,500m; HQ diamond depth capacity 2,700m; Reverse circulation to depth capacity 600m; 24/7 drilling and support

Nathan Wyndow

21 Baile Road Canning Vale WA 6155 & 32 Bernoulli Street Darra Qld 4076


Bowgan Minerals Limited
bowgan minerals limited
  • Mineral Explorer
Bowgan Minerals Limited

NT Focused Mineral Exploration Company

  • Exploration

Summary of Services:

Bowgan Minerals Limited, an NT focussed exploration company, was established in 2009 to identify new and exciting mineral exploration opportunities in under-explored parts of the NT. Since inception, exploration efforts have advanced prospective exploration projects and have resulted in the identification of drill ready targets.

Bowgan Minerals proudly supports NT based services and suppliers and those operating in the NT.

Gary Price

PO Box 4908, Alice Springs NT 0871


NT Based

All Aspects Mining Tenement Management
all aspects mining tenement management
  • Mineral Exploration Services
All Aspects Mining Tenement Management

Professional Tenement Management Service

  • Tenement Management

Summary of Services:

* Tenement Obligation Reminders and Monthly Reports
* Applications, Lodgements and Submission Preparation
* All Matters Land Access
* Work Approval Processes
* Agreement Compliance Management
* Government Departments and Associated Organisations Liaison
* Experience Australia Wide (20 Years+ Industry Experience)


Tanya Cole

PO Box 40752, CASUARINA NT 0811


NT Based

rr consulting
  • Mineral Exploration Services
RR Consulting

Geological and exploration consulting

  • Exploration
  • Geological

Summary of Services:

Consulting to minerals exploration companies for planning, implementation and interpretation of exploration programs, project assessment and geological assessment of various terranes.

David Rawlings

27 Rudd Parade Bridgewater SA


territory industrial group
  • Mineral Exploration Supplier

Indigenous owned, Supply Nation Registered Mineral Exploration and general industry Supplier

  • Assay Laboratories
  • Drilling
  • Earthmoving
  • Environmental
  • Exploration
  • Field Personnel
  • Geological
  • Geophysical
  • Health and Safety
  • Field Consumables
  • Field Equipment
  • PPE

Summary of Services:

Territory Industrial Group with the supply support of Your Safety Factory (YSF) is Australia's leading Indigenous Supplier of PPE, Workwear & Plumbing Services. We are extremely proud to be majority Indigenous owned by PPE and Plumbing Professionals with our focus on unique business features below.
Supply Nation Registered - We are extremely proud to be Supply Nation Registered with our Certification pending early 2023. With supply from YSF, all products and packaging carry the Supply Nation Certified logo, giving you and your customers awareness and support toward Indigenous Procurement Policies.
Martula Indigenous range / CHAC - Our most important initiative is our Martula Indigenous branded range, with donations form the sale of each product made to the Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation for use in Indigenous Health, Wellbeing & Cultural Awareness initiatives.
Zero Emission glove range - We are proud to offer Australia's only Certified Net Zero Emission range of gloves. This unique offer provides enormous potential against Government and Industry targets of Net Zero Emissions.
Redkite charity donations - YSF were the first Industrial PPE Supplier to set up a product charity program, since 2014 donations exceeding $200,000 have been made to Redkite in support of children and families facing cancer challenges.
BSCI / Sedex - We are committed to attaining 100% Business Social Compliance Certification for all of our suppliers (currently 95%). Eash of our factories need BSCI Certification covering - Labour, Health & Safety, Environment, and Business Ethics, giving you and your customers peace of mind on ethical sourcing.
Experience & Service - We have over 175 years of PPE Supply and 75 years of Plumbing experience within our group. We know what plumbers need for a safe workplace and the products they should have. With warehousing and distribution in Darwin and Adelaide (Brisbane and Perth scheduled for 2023) supported by our Dandenong South NDC we are well positions to service our customer base.
Branding - We can offer, off the shelf supply, but with experience as an OE supplier for several National brands we welcome the opportunity to provide Indent supply of branded items and or working with you to develop a TIG / customer specific range of products.

Lance Martin

Unit 1-66 Coonawarra Road, Winnellie, NT, 0821


NT Based

Indigenous Business

Territory Technology Solutions
territory technology solutions
  • Mineral Exploration Supplier
Territory Technology Solutions

ICT & Communications Provider

  • Commuications
  • ICT
  • Field Consumables
  • Field Equipment

Summary of Services:

ICT & Communications Services Remote Comms, Satellite, Telephony and Camp Networks CCTV and Remote Monitoring Onsite, Cabling, Fibre and Build Services. Our team can prove an end to end solution for all things technology with both onsite and remote support for all services offered. 24 x 7 Support from our Darwin and Brisbane teams.

Michael Feldbauer

8 Albatross Street, Winnellie NT 0820


NT Based

Australian Geophysical Services Pty Ltd
australian geophysical services pty ltd
  • Mineral Exploration Services
Australian Geophysical Services Pty Ltd

Geophysical Services Supplier

  • Geophysical

Summary of Services:

Our Mission:
Australian Geophysical Services (AGS) is a team of seasoned professionals united with a singular vision since 2020: to enhance the success rates of mineral explorers through the deployment of cutting-edge geophysical survey methods. Our mission is to empower explorers with sophisticated insights and data, thereby playing a pivotal role in their quest for discovery and success

Australian Geophysical Services provide full service geophysical
surveys for the Mineral Exploration, Geotechnical and Energy
Our earth imaging technologies combined with our highly
experienced and knowledgeable staff provide you with reliable and
accurate data for a greater likelihood of success.
Using an array of ground geophysical methods and world leading
technology, AGS performs surveys to assist in exploration across
Our range of services include IP, DHEM, FLEM, MT and distributed array IP/MT as well as 3D IP and MT surveys.

Trent Retallick

32 Gralton street, Keperra. Qld 4054


  • Mineral Exploration Services

Since the mid-90s, Fyfe has contributed to the success of many significant energy and resource projects across Australia. FYFE has NT offices in both Darwin and Alice Springs and significant multidisciplinary capabilities in four sectors essential in the development or expansion of mineral resource projects.

  • Environmental
  • Mapping
  • Surveyors
  • UAV Hire
  • Waste Management

Summary of Services:

• Civil, Electrical and Instrumentation, Mechanical, Structural, Process, Pipeline and Flowlines

• Site Management Plans, Ecology, Vegetation Clearance Application, Baseline Surveys, Auditing, Site Contamination Assessment, Remediation Assessment and Action Plans, Compliance Assessment

• Establish Mineral Leases, Leases and Easements as required

• Control, Topographical and Detail for design, As-Built, Construction Set-Out, Dimensional Control, Volumes, Reality Capture using UAV and LIDAR, 3D Mapping and GPR

NT Admin

PO BOX 1726 Berrimah NT


NT Based

JR McLeod Drilling
jr mcleod drilling
  • Mineral Exploration Services
JR McLeod Drilling

Low Impact Aircore RC drilling

  • Drilling

Summary of Services:

Low Impact 6WD Toyota Landcruiser mounted drilling rigs, capable of +100m Aircore and RC drilling. 4x4 Landcruiser auger drilling
Full remote caravan camp available

Jim McLeod

3 Quorn Road STIRLING NORTH SA 5710


Eupene Exploration Enterprises Pty Ltd
eupene exploration enterprises pty ltd
  • Mineral Exploration Services
Eupene Exploration Enterprises Pty Ltd

Eupene Exploration Enterprises Pty Ltd was established in Darwin in 1980 by Geologist, Geoff Eupene after 10 years of experience in the NT, especially on the preparation of the Ranger Uranium Project for development. EEE has participated in the definition and development of several other NT mining projects. Geoff is a current Fellow of AusIMM, and a member of the Association of Applied Geochemists and the Society of Economic Geologists.

  • Data Management
  • Exploration
  • Field Personnel
  • Geological
  • Health and Safety
  • Surveying
  • Field Equipment

Summary of Services:

Talk to EEE for advice on exploring for mineral deposits in the NT. We have decades of experience in dealing with local circumstances, regulations, and geological issues. We also have GNSS GPS survey equipment capable of +/-10cm XYZ RMS positioning of drill holes, geological mapping and geophyical surveys, available for hire to experienced operators.

Geoff Eupene

33/1 Buffalo Court Darwin NT0800; PO Box 289 PARAP NT 0804


NT Based